Saturday, January 31, 2009

picture from UTEM-UMP

                  a can choose..just for a guy..hehe
                                             sin chan groupzzz...
                                                                ombak groupzz...
                                                steady groupzz...
                                                        e-jau groupz..
                                         AT Teluk Cempedak..
                                                                     bus of UTEM
 chairman aka MPP of UMP  in rigth side and chairman of UTEM in left side...

UTEM and UMP..student from Sabah Sarawak

well..maybe not so bad i start with this. One week holiday, i got nothing to do except playing game DoTA,sleep n eat. but..suddenly..i read at std-comm about the meeting for student from sabah and sarawak at tuesday. i go and is bad..just a 'little' student come..from what i know..there is more than 100 student from that two state..well..that is a traits of nowaday student..not proud being a malaysian if go oversea and not proud being a sabahan or sarawakian once in 'semenanjung' for student from sabah and sarawak. but..maybe that time their got something elsa to do..who knows??so..after all that want to came is coming..we start with what the slot ' opoen talk' what the chairman said we can talk anything..our problem..or suggestion or advice  from seniors..all of that out that nite..mostly the preblem is about food during holiday..because student from sabah and sarawak can not go home like student from reason..the price of ticket is so so so expensive..well that is familiar thing...but that also become one of our problem..after that is social..we talk about this and is interesting..some say we got jeering from student semenanjung because our dialect..oowww..that semenanjung also got many think do not wory about that la..people who laugh about that is still a children and act like funny loo..saying they are mature but still..i think..i better than them in not acting like a mature.. i like just being a child traits..happy go lucky..haaha..but..still be a punk boy..
what else about social is our involvement in is a general problem since we get a problem being jeering..but for me..i don't care asa long i interesting in that thing..i like i go taekwon-do(ITF)..actually this is first time i learn fine..because i'm good in fighting..i represent UMP  2 times and go to national last years reprensent Pahang for'm okay..i got no social..just problem in dicipline..since i hate rules and laws..
i think there problem is come from ourself...just want to study without enjoy..huh..i hate that..
i think..we must study and enjoy at the same time..hehe..
and the advice from seniors is be more social, pay attention in every aspect your life..etc..the same thing that i aspected..boring!!

so..our meeting main point is to create a secretariat student sabah onder to support student from sabah and sarawak..and to welcome student from UTEM..that from sabah and sarawak thursday..we meet them do some activity although i and my friend very sleepy in that day cause playing DoTA till morning..the point is still same..our discussion with them...but we can know more sudent from sabah and sarawak..from UTEM..well..after all is fun..(n_n)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the laws and rules..that i hate so much..

I don't know since when i hate laws and rules in my life.i hates it because it bothered my life..i mean my whole life..or maybe because i'm a naughty boy since i a kid..a kiddy boy...kakakaka..
what i'm trying to say is life more better without those two..we can do anything without street fight..when in ring..or in tatami(japanese word)..we are bond with rules..not to that..whooo...i know it exited me when come to ring..but i can go with my full potential..right now i join taekwon-do..never get what my heart want..but i because i like fight..i don't care about's different when in street fight..not mix martial arts..but street can use anything..whatever..till you died.i also like street dance..and that why i'm a punk boy..
i like dressing punk..why??it's different..not like usual people to human like and not like to follow rules..even if we do election you like rules and laws?i'm sure more than 80% say not like rules and laws..but in reality thye afraid of that..they life restricted..hehe..they are hipocrite too..and certain of them say..i hates those hipocrite people..nad certain people say..i hate people lies to..go to hell la..all of have it..
this is what i say..about rules..about laws..even at past..because too much extra believe in rules..they believe and follow what can restricted their our country...because they put to much believe in one party..i can say..we cant get our vision 2020..maybe la...
do you think why police been establish since prevent crime..and what their do make the crimer getting increase day by day..and never less..from ordinary people to powerful men..from child to old men..from poor to rich men..and all kind of human do crime actually..if u say want to follow rules and laws..and do not say..religion can make it right.because..with that..still have more sinister this that why i want life at full...i don't care it sin or long as i happy..and can do what i want..
and it are bad are can't be succesful..and whatever their say...theyself also not all kind heart..not all complete...not all better think about yourself before want to say about other..look at yourself first...hehe..
but about laws and depends on people..if they want life like happy at fullest..but for me..i think i can life at fullest with laws and rules bind,bond,bothered and restricted my life..
what do you think..?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


i want to talk about RAKSI. For the first day..i think is not boring but still have 'silencer'..well..each person have own ego and shy..even for a boyz..kakakaaka..first, tutor ask us to asking any question taht we want to know..anything even if that question is the dump want to our tutor arabic or turkish or pakistaniese..or someone from west asian..cause..he look like that..but..suddenly i ask 'what is the purpose of this programme sir..?'all of the silencer like the character in DOTA..and tutor laugh..huh???!!after that..we separate and form a know friend detail..but..i don't get anything..and then...their ask about our favourite animal..most of asian or cat choose..what is better..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

first day of RAKSI.. go to RAKSI..the what..i also do not know what purpose for that activity..rite now..i maybe do not know..but soon..who knows rite?but..i think this activitt just waste time..why i said that..because..after this end..there just nothing we can get..all of it will be forget..i heard from my friend said that RAKSI..make them have a hard time..she said..i'm tired..cause my last activity is gived a motivasi..hahaha..well.. i wanna experinced start at 9.00 u..and i'll tell what i get from RAKSI..the boring and bothered programme..hhehehe

Tuesday, January 13, 2009 my first day to touch a thing called 'blogged'.i wanna see toward the day this blog get along to excited rite now..(n_n)